Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Leader, Teacher for Businesses, Network Marketing Companies, Corporations, Corporate Employees
Have Laurie Delk speak at your event, clinic, office, etc.
Learn how to get your clients to not only love you, but even refer their friends, family and business associates to you.
Let marketing strategy consultant Laurie Delk show you and your employees or agents, how you can keep your clients, get more clients, and get your clients to give you endless referrals with out even asking. Laurie can show you how to make money and enjoy greater success with your business.
Laurie works with real estate agents, financial advisors, professional speakers, authors, insurance agents, and many more service based entrepreneurs who want to take their marketing and their business performance to the next level.
Some sales agents make millions of dollars, and others just barely scrape by. Why? What is the difference? You can learn the techniques. Learn how to brand yourself as one of the top agents in the country.
There are also reasons why branding yourself is very important. You want people to remember your name, not just your business. Learn how all these reasons can help you in your business to take it to the next level, and help you to increase your income.
In today's economy, people are more uncertain, and more cautious of where, when and how they spend their money. If you are keeping your clients happy, with your business, as well as keeping in touch with them, then you are going to *keep your bottom line* as well as increase it!
Contact me today to set up appointments, and scheduling, as well as pricing for speaking engagements for your business.
Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Leader, Teacher for Wives, Homeschool Moms, Police Wives, Cops Wives
Laurie was married to a police officer for 16 years, with a very successful marriage for almost 20 years.
Bryan and Laurie raised 4 children, she ran a daycare in her home when the kids were younger, taught at her kids Christian school for a few years and then later homeschooled her children.
Bryan worked midnight shift and evening shift, worked SWAT, narcotics unit, bomb squad, bicycle unit, and more.
Laurie can speak to other women about keeping a home quiet while he sleeps, as well as keeping the house in order, so when he is home, he can spend time with the family. She can teach on being a wife to keep him wanting to come home, in a world that encourages him to look and go elsewhere. She can teach on keeping the spirituality of the home positive, as they get so much negativity in the work place. Homeschooling and teaching and training the kids. Keeping your home clean and organized in a timely fashion. Keeping the home a happy and joyous place others want to come home to.
Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Leader, Teacher for Widows
Laurie unfortunately lost her husband of almost 20 years Feb 2,2013 to a tragic car accident. You can read about her and her story with her husband on a page she designed for his memory at BryanDelk.com
She can speak to other women about keeping the faith, during such a tragedy. She can speak about helping the children to cope. She can speak about keeping a positive attitude and a smile on your face, even when many times all you want to do is stay under the covers and cry.
She can speak to women about grief recovery, getting through grief, the introduction to widowhood, and the life of a widow.
2014 Speaking Calendar
- Every Friday through the year - Nashville Networking Business Luncheon 11:30am-1pm
- 4th Tue of Every Month - Gratitude Girls
- 2/22/14 Send Out Cards Treat 'Em Right Seminar Knoxville, TN
- 6/13/14 W.E.B. Women Embracing Business "Working Out The Kinks, Where to go when all goes wrong"
I'm here to help YOU achieve YOUR dreams!
AOL IM Name- KJV Prov31 P.O. Box
251 Columbia, TN 38402 Phone: (931)
380-8811 Fax: (931)
381-2057 Cell: (931) 626-0280 Email: Admin@LaurieDelk.net
My Instant Messangers: AOL - Prov 31, Yahoo - Prov_31, Skype - lauriedelk, MSN - lauriedelk, Trillian - lauriedelk
My Networking Places - Come Network with Me!: Twitter, FaceBook, Linked In
If you are in business, one of the TOP things is to NETWORK with others. The best way to learn how or to stay in learning, is to subscribe to the
Networking Times I highly recommend it.
I am a Web Designer and Internet Marketing Research
I am a Client Retention Specialist
I am a Research Associate in the field of Child
Development and Human Relations I have a continuing program of
research, in the laboratory and in the field. I'm working for my
Masters, and already have four credits, (2 daughters & 2 sons).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the
humanities, (any mother care to disagree.?.) I often work 14
hours a day, (24 is more like it). But the job is more
challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are
more of a satisfaction rather than just money.
"Laurie is my friend and sister who encouraged me to start my business with Send Out Cards, and she encourages me daily. She is a success because of her faith in God, her positive and sunny outlook on life, and what she continually pays forward and blesses back. I am proud and honored to have such an individual in my life and someone who makes a ministry out of edifying others and building other's dreams of success." -- Tami Kilmarx
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